Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Workshop is nice unless it's your turn. Then it's ok.

I like workshop. I like deciphering things with fellow classmates that were written by our other fellow classmates, looking at the different ways people write. I think it is lovely to have the class work through everyone's ideas about all of the different aspects of the poems. I think that big picture analyses are the most helpful, rather than little grammar things.

The best and worst part about workshop was workshopping your own poem. Even when the class would be saying nice things about the poem, it was incredibly strange. Still, the general experience gave me happy feelings. I am not dreading the next series of workshopping. 


  1. I really love how you titled this, because that is exactly how i feel. Such sincere words. And the last paragraph really resonated with me. "I am not dreading the next series" AMEN SISTER!

  2. I really love how you titled this, because that is exactly how i feel. Such sincere words. And the last paragraph really resonated with me. "I am not dreading the next series" AMEN SISTER!

  3. I completely agree with your second paragraph! It was so strange! I related it to the irrational fear of reading your own writing. But it did give me strange joy by the end of it too!
