Sunday, April 19, 2015

coffee with DT

So I went to the coffee meeting with DT Max at 2pm. I normally don't ever drink coffee but I needed something to do with my hands because I was just sitting there like:

The coffee was really hot and I got incredibly hyper towards the end of the talk with him. He doesn't drink coffee, he had brought his own tea. 
Anyway, so we were all sitting around in the Mandresa Den and we started off just talking about the work that he had been doing lately.. which was some piece on this cool place in Italy called Matera that is this city that was basically dug out of the side of a mountain and these people lived there since forever but sometime in the 1900s they were kicked out and then a few decades ago some hipsters (his word, not mine) took over the place and started living there. Here's a picture of that place:

And then we talked about publishing and things of that sort and then the evolution of his career from Harvard newspaper to working on the "slicks" magazines like Vogue and such to being an editor for the New Yorker and then being a writer for the New Yorker because he didn't want to be an editor anymore. Because that's just something you do because you feel like it. 
We talked about other things that he did and he tried to tie it in with whatever we were interested in. So he talked about some of his fiction that he writes and then we talked about what the hell "Creative Non-ficiton" is and then how advertisements affect how things are read and what are read and all things like that. We were theorizing what the New Yorker would be like in 10 years or so and how different it would be and how no one could possibly know what any of our jobs would be like in that amount of time, but we were pretty sure that what he did wouldn't be a thing that could still exist. 
Actually toward the middle of the hour and a half meeting, he told us that specifics of the chat shouldn't go anywhere. I think he was worried that we were taping him or something and that he had said silly things.. but he hadn't said silly things but none of us were taping him either but I will refrain  from putting in quotes here that I had written down. Just incase he sees this somehow.

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