Monday, January 26, 2015

American Male/ Far East Conference

On page 7 of Susan Orlean's American Male, she begins to explore Colin's room, detailing it carefully and noting different aspects that truly say a lot about his character. I believe someone's room is a great look at who they are, because it is the one space that is truly theirs. We learn very quickly about Colin from things like most of his walls being bare with the exception of Spider-Man and a variety of advertisements. I think it also says a lot about Colin that he named his bird Dude. He has worn clothes tossed about everywhere, but other than that his room isn't that cluttered or messy. That sounds about right for an average ten year old boy, but I can't help but be curious as to where all his toys are...

Wells Tower's Far Eastern Conference is a great example of an author playing off two very different voices. Often we hear the voice of Tower, he has an incredible way of explaining a somewhat wasteland-like China, and we can almost feel the heaviness and dirtiness of the air. But he also does a great job and bringing Stephon Marbury's voice in at the right times so to be very telling of Marbury. For example, when he's talking about the food, and he says that he wanted to kill himself the first two weeks but not so much anymore. He's so flippant and casual about something that doesn't seem to be so casual.... Towers does a great job at conveying Marbury's voice and true feelings, because by the end of this you really start feeling bad for Marbury. Considering his reputation, that seemed almost impossible. But the way Towers communicates as well as considering which quotes of Marbury he choose and which he decided to paraphrase, really leads the reader to become sympathetic with Marbury, something I didn't think possible. You really start to feel how lonely it must have been to have a whole country hate you- your heart broke with Marbury's. And when he was greeted by thousands of adoring Chinese fans, your heart grew with his. It has to be Tower that is putting that into effect, because I know it can't be Marbury alone.

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